Sunday, February 5, 2012

Translation French to English (no online translators please)?

Qui trop haut tend, plus bas descend.

Gardez vous Amoureux qui d'ame surhaultaine,

En lieu trop eminent addressez vostre amour,

Qu'ainsi qu'a Pha毛ton il en vous aille un jour,

Qui osa gouverner la lampe souvera茂ne:

Car qui en lieu trop haut addresse son desir,

Le voit avecq regret en fumee finir.Translation French to English (no online translators please)?
The one who reaches too high, lower will get.

Keep up, Lover, with your haughty soul,

From your outstanding place, address your love

So that to Pha毛ton, you will go someday,

To who dares to govern the sovereign lamp:

Because the one who reaches too high addresses its desire,

With regret sees it disappear in smoke.


That's the best I can do. There are plenty of mistakes in your French version, plus it's an old style of French that isn't used anymore.Translation French to English (no online translators please)?
So, it's perhaps the moral to Icarus making a twerp of himself? Early modern?[ avecq] Most famous texts have an English trans available somewhere, if you search for it.

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