Sunday, February 12, 2012

Translate from french to English?

Translate to french (no translators please)?

I was hoping someone who is french, fluent in french or can just speak french extremely well could translate a few things into french for me. Please do not use online translators as I need the correct tenses and am asking this to make sure what I have written down is correct.

which was good fun.

We visited the historic parts of the country, so that the trip was partly educational, but I wished we spent more time at theme parks as it was really funTranslate from french to English?
Tricky in terms of tenses!

Nous avons visit茅 des endroits historiques afin que le voyage soit en partie 茅ducatif mais j'aurais aim茅 passer plus de temps au parc d'attraction car c'茅tait amusant.Translate from french to English?
"... ce qui 茅tait bien amusant.

On a visit茅 les r茅gions historiques du pays, pour que le voyage ait 茅t茅 en partie 茅ducatif, mais je souhaitais qu'on ait pass茅 plus de temps aux parcs 脿 th猫me, parce que c'茅tait tr猫s agr茅able."

(You need the subjunctive.)

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