Thursday, February 2, 2012

What type of schooling do you need to be a translator for the Canadian government?

I am fluent in four languages: Spanish, French, English and Hungarian. I could use some brushing up in grammar, since I don't use French or Spanish as often as I used to. No one taught me how to write in Hungarian, but I can read it. It just takes me a while to write it, and I have to use a dictionary to make sure I'm not spelling it wrong. I'm working full time in a hotel and I have a lot of free time to go back to school if I want to. I want a job where I can get Christamas or other holidays off and get a weekend off in the summer if I ask a month and a half in advance. Even when my hotel is full it's quiet because it is a suites hotel, so we get a lot of long term guests(not as many coming and going). I love talking to guests from different countries and practicing my languages, however I'm bored and not challenged enough. It's neat because I can watch TV and surf the net, but I can only do so much of that.What type of schooling do you need to be a translator for the Canadian government?
In the USA the first step is to take a standard civil-service exam. They probably have an equivalent testing process in Canada.

I think that it is probably a matter of CERTIFICATION rather than a specific degree program. You would probably need a B.A.

Go to the nearest Federal Government Office building and look for a personnel office (or whatever they might call it.)

If the Canadian government is anything like the US government, they will probably give you a test to see if you are proficient enough. Which test you take may depend on the "Job Title" you want to be considered for.

After taking the exam, if you pass, your degree of proficiency, education and work experience will probably qualify you for a specific salary bracket.

Depending on where you work in the government, you might also need (or be able to get) a security clearance.

.What type of schooling do you need to be a translator for the Canadian government?
get a B.A. in a second language and take a proficiency test.

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