Thursday, February 2, 2012

Doe anybody know any english to french translators online? i need to know the word: was? will theoretically work fine, but please be aware that English and French conjugation differ -- in other words, there is more than one word for "was," depending on the subject and there is more than one past tense. I'll give you the complete conjugation here:

1) L'Imparfait de l'Inicatif -- used to indicate a) an action that was going on in the past at the same time as another action (I _was listening_ while you were talking); b) an action that was going on in the past when another action occurred (I _was eating_ when you called); c) an action that a person habitually did (He _used to drive_ every day); d) a description of a mental or physical state (He _was_ happy to see her); and e) an action or state of being that lasted for a certain length of time prior to another past action (I _had been waiting_ for an hour before the bathroom was free).


tu 茅tais

il/elle/on 茅tait

nous 茅tions

vous 茅tiez

ils/elles 茅taient

2) Le pass茅 simple -- Expresses an action that took place at some deffinite time. It is now used more or less only in formal writing except in the case of 锚tre and avoir. (I _went_ to work).

je fus

tu fus

il/elle/on fut

nous f没mes

vous f没tes

ils/elles furent

3) L'imparfait du subjonctif -- Used after a verb that expresses some kind of preference (I wished you _were_ here); after a verb that expresses some sort of emotion (I _was_ sorry to see you go); after certain conjuctions (I would have left unless she _came_ -- I would have stayed until she _came_ -- Although I _was_ the smartest in the class, I failed the test. -- I gave her directions so that she _could come_); and after certain impresonal expressions that show need, doubt, possibility, or impossibility (It was urgent that she _came_). To make matters worse, it's only used if the action wasn't completed.

je fusse

tu fusses

il/elle/on f没t

nous fussions

vous fussiez

ils/elles fussent

4) Le pass茅 compos茅 -- Expresses an action that took place at no definite time. It's used more in conversational French and informal writing and is more and more replacing le pass茅 simple. (He _went_ to school/He _has gone_ to school)

j'ai 茅t茅

tu as 茅t茅

il/elle/on a 茅t茅

nous avons 茅t茅

vous avez 茅t茅

ils/elles ont 茅t茅

5) Le plus-que-parfait de l'indicatif -- Expresses an action which happened in the past before another past action. (I already _had heard_ what she was about to say)

j'avais 茅t茅

tu avais 茅t茅

il/elle/on avait 茅t茅

nous avions 茅t茅

vous aviez 茅t茅

ils/elles avaient 茅t茅

6) Le pass茅 ant茅rieur -- similar to the one above, but, like le pass茅 simple, used more in formal writing.

j'eus 茅t茅

tu eus 茅t茅

il/elle/on eut 茅t茅

nous e没mes 茅t茅

vous e没tes 茅t茅

ils/elles eurent 茅t茅

7) Le conditionnel pass茅 -- Expresses what one would have done. It is formed with le conditionnel pr茅sent of either 锚tre or avoir. (In the case of 锚tre, avoir).

j'aurais 茅t茅

tu aurais 茅t茅

il/elle/on aurait 茅t茅

nous aurions 茅t茅

vous auriez 茅t茅

ils/elles aurient 茅t茅

8) Le pass茅 subjunctif -- expresses an action which took place in the past in relation to the present time. (It's possible I _was_ gone at the time). It can also be used the same way as l'imparfait du subjonctif if the action was completed.

j'aie 茅t茅

tu aies 茅t茅

il/elle/on ait 茅t茅

nous ayons 茅t茅

vous ayez 茅t茅

ils/elles aient 茅t茅

9) Le plus-que-parfait du Subjonctif -- The last one (thank God). It's the same as l'imparfait du subjonctif, except you use this one if the action was completed and only in formal writing. If speaking conversationally or writing informally, use le pass茅 du subjonctif.

j'eusse 茅t茅

tu eusses 茅t茅

il/elle/on e没t 茅t茅

nous eussions 茅t茅

vous eussiez 茅t茅

ils/elles eussent 茅t茅

Confused? Believe me, I can see why. Unfortunately, in French, you can't just say, "was."Doe anybody know any english to french translators online? i need to know the word: was?
google babel fish

google languageDoe anybody know any english to french translators online? i need to know the word: was?
For a free translation go to I go there all the time for help with my French homework. I'm also taking French too. Oh, and the translation for was is etait.
I was= j'etais

he was= il etaitDoe anybody know any english to french translators online? i need to know the word: was?

is the one I use.
this is a direct link to "WAS"
depends on the subject. look for a verb conjugation chart, and find the past tense of the verb "etre" (=to be)
was is translated 'etais' for 1st and 2nd person, and 'etait' for 3rd person.

This only works if you 'was' is not connected to another verb like 'I was washing the car.' This would be 'Je lavais la voiture.'

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